This Army Guide is intended to be a straight-forward and intuitive guide to the United States Army. Use this application to expand your knowledge, brush-up on the fundamentals or to prepare for a promotion/Soldier of the month board. The US Army has many facets to learn and remember. You can't be expected to know it all, but you can arm yourself with a thorough reference that can give you a heads up. Focused on accurate information, this Army reference aims to be the most complete and thorough guide available. Available on iPhone too! This reference includes: APFT Calculator Army Regulations Field Manuals DA Forms Basic Training Smart Card General Orders Army Values Physical Readiness Training (PRT) Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills UCMJ Code of Conduct Army Songs Study Guide And More...
Whether you are new to the US Army or a seasoned Vet, this guide is your multi-tool! New content is being added regularly. Go forward with a more confident grasp of these Army concepts and be a knowledgeable leader!Please feel free to suggest additional information or to inform me of errors!
[email protected]
Note: Bugle calls will not work on Android 4.4 and below (working on a fix).